Chip’s Message, April 2021

I want to begin by saying “Thank you!” to everyone who worked so creatively and diligently to provide such meaningful worship, study and mission opportunities through the season of Lent, culminating...

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Church School News April 2021

The children of FPCY continue to meet online every Sunday over Zoom (Pre-K through 4th graders at 9:15am, 5th – 9th graders at 11:15am). (Register your child(ren) PreK – Grade 9 for Sunday...

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Breaking the Stigma Now

From a recent article on the Presbyterian Mission page: The Rev. Tami Seidel noticed something when people shared prayer requests at First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown, New York. “People get engaged...

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Faith4Life April 2021

Faith4Life meets Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM on Zoom, and Sunday mornings at 8:45 AM on Zoom. We’re finishing up The Soul of a Pilgrim on Sundays and we’ll be starting up the daily GIFT...

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