June, 2011

A friend recently sent me a video clip of Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner with the message, “What would happen if you got what you wanted?” After years of watching the coyote try all sorts of methods...

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Project Linus

In the middle of April, six of us who are members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry of the church met with Cindy Read —  a volunteer from the Project Linus and presented her with 52 blankets made by...

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Doubt Sunday

Friends. Last Sunday, we asked our questions and shared our doubts during the worship. That experience shares our vulnerabilities and concerns, but also makes us more human as we name them in the community...

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Church Library – May 2011

Kicked Out, edited by Sassafras Lowrey, with a foreword by Judy Shepard, the mother of Matthew Shepard, is a collection of stories told by the teens who were kicked out when their parents learned that...

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