Deacons Report, February 2013

In the midst of the blustery, cold weather, the Deacons have a ministry to spread the warmth and caring of FPCY to our members and to the community. In order to do this, we need your help!

Loaves and Fishes is a ministry that provides a meal (or several) to a member and their family in times of sickness, loss or other forms of need.

Transportation is a ministry that provides a ride (or two or three) to a member who is otherwise unable to get to the doctor or their physical therapist or to Church on a Sunday morning.

Visitation to the Homebound keeps our members who cannot always get to church in touch with the activities and abiding love of the church. The Deacons and the minister bring communion to the homebound, visit members in nursing homes, assisted living centers and hospitals, and generally bring cheer to those who cannot get out and about.

All of these ministries depend upon you, the members of this church, to help cook, drive and visit as your time allows. Please complete a form in the next month, or let a Deacon or Chip know of your interest and availability. We are all one church, and this is a good way to be a vital part of the community!

In February, the Deacons’ Offering goes toward the purchase of school supplies for the children of our Food Pantry clients. Last year we gave out 250 school kits (divided K thru 2nd grade and grades 3 to 5) as well as supplies for 115 older children creatively assembled from your contributions. Please continue to be generous during this special offering in February.

The Item of the Month for the Food Pantry is PASTA. Any kind of pasta is welcome, as it is a staple for our clients, and often not available through the Food Bank. We will collect pasta in the basket outside of the Gathering Place as well as near the Deacons’ Easel which is displayed during Coffee Hour.

Remember – the light of the Lord brings warmth into the coldest corners. Love and enjoy that warmth even as the wind rattles the doors and creeps under window sashes.

Yours in Christ …

Angelyn Forbes-Freeze

