Glittering vices

To flee vice is the beginning of virtue. Join us March 2-April 13 as we discover what the seven deadly sins can teach us about growing into the people God created us to be. A mid-week service will...

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Movie Night – February 22

Saturday, February 22, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall I AM is an entertaining non-fiction film that poses two questions: what’s wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better? The filmmaker behind...

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The Authority of the Bible

As Christians in the reformed tradition, we don’t take much of the Bible literally, but we do take the Bible seriously.  We had an amazing conversation on Sunday morning during the Adult Ed hour...

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Operations Report January 2014

Progress continued during the past month on improvements and maintenance of our facilities. Key accomplishments were: The north wall of the Narthex has been finished following removal of a cabinet. New...

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New in the Library

Why does the library now have a copy of The Bible for Dummies (220 G)?  When I started my studies to become a Commissioned Ruling Elder/Commissioned Lay Pastor, it was on either the “recommended”...

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The Deacons January & February 2014

This is a new year with all of the challenges and possibilities presented by a new slate.  We will be welcoming new Deacons on January 26th after their ordination on January 19th, and we all anticipate...

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Adult Ed Opportunities

Five Women and a Baby Our Advent study has evolved into an Epiphany study, which will take us through the month of January. This unique study, developed by our own Chip Low and Tami Seidel, examines the...

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