Pantry Plus – How We are Helping Those in Need

The FPCY Pantry continues in its drive-through delivery model twice per month. We continue to serve 400 families and over 1600 people per month, about 2X our pre-pandemic volume.

We continue to deliver to elderly clients at two facilities in Yorktown, and are grateful for the volunteers that make that ministry possible. On August 22nd, thanks to Pam Darreff and her School Supplies team, we helped 230 children be prepared for the new school year. We will do a second distribution of school supplies on September 12 for families that didn’t attend on August 22nd.

We give thanks for our volunteers, for the produce from Garden of Hope, and for the financial and material support from the community and congregation in our work.

Your donations of cereal have allowed us to offer this important food type most weeks, and it continues to be our greatest need. Noting the item of the month and bringing in some supplies can help the pantry offer as wide a variety of foods as possible.

You can drop off items any time in the labeled bins near the red double doors at the back of the church building, across the playground from the back parking lot. 

Online contributions to the Food Pantry are also most welcome.You can find more information, including our distribution schedule on our Food Pantry Page.

Are you (or are you aware of a congregation member) in need of help getting groceries? Contact Katharine Frase via email:
