On August 10th & 24th our Food Pantry will distribute school supplies to children. We will be purchasing kits of supplies for the younger grades, and asking the congregation to bring in supplies for...
Our Mission
We (Still) Need Your Bottles and Cans
We have an easy way for you to help support our mission trips – bring in your bottles and cans that have a deposit and let the Mission Trip Team collect your refund! There is a specially marked container...
Reflection on Yorktown Presbyterian Preschool
I’m going to tell you the story of how and why, 32 years ago, this congregation started the Yorktown Presbyterian Preschool, how YPP grew and flourished, and why we today both celebrate and mark the...
Your BJ’s Coupons Help Pantry Plus
For a long time we’ve been requesting your BJ’s coupons for baby diapers. Now with our Pantry Plus in operation, we are also requesting coupons for nutritional drinks (like Ensure), adult hygiene...
TED Talks and Food Trucks – July 21 – Food Justice
Sunday, July 21, 6pm. We are skipping the truck for this talk for a “Hearty Salad for Dinner while working toward Local Food Justice.” Salad greens and many toppings provided. Come...
TED Talks and Food Trucks – July 14 – Environmental Folklore
Sunday, July 14, 6pm: Event will begin with food truck at 6 pm; then the video and conversation. Topic is “Engaging with Environmental Folklore – Could it be that over the years...
Item of the Month for July: Canned Fruit
Canned fruit is a popular item at our Food Pantry, and part of the requirement that we provide a balanced selection of fruit, vegetables, grains, and proteins. As you know, we now have a Full Choice model...
Midsummer Celebration July 14
Join us on July 14 at the 10 am service! We will be commissioning the participants of Youth Triennium and DR Mission trips. We will also have the opportunity to meet Garrett Artman. And to top it all...
Interested in Local Food Justice? Become a Community Gardener
In mid-April of this year, our Mission Commission started a new initiative. We are raising organic produce at the Garden of Hope, located on the property of the Westchester Korean Seventh Day Adventist...
YAV Erin in Asheville: No Answers, Just Different Questions
Erin writes: While I’m not invincible, my white skin meant that anything that could have happened to me (already way less likely) would have been handled differently than if the same thing happened...