Important Update, because of concerns about COVID-19 We are holding our pantry distribution outside with a drive-through hands-free model for everyone’s safety All volunteers will wear gloves and masks We...
Our Mission
Please Help the Food Pantry Feed our Neighbors
At each pantry, we so much appreciate donated items which are a crucial supplement to the items we are able to get from Feeding Westchester. We also try to fill gaps by shopping retail, but quantity...
Young Adult Volunteers Langley and Ailih
Recently Chip had a discussion with the two Young Adult Volunteers that FPCY commissioned last August. Here is the full interview. You can donate to the Pentecost Offering which supports the YAV program. On...
The Garden of Hope Needs You
The 2020 Growing Season is under way! We need your help to maintain the Garden of Hope this year, which includes watering, weeding, harvesting, and related activities. The vegetables we grow are donated...
Our Extra Pantry Today
A note from Katharine and Liam: We planned the extra pantry for May 30 to avoid a 3-week gap between our regular pantry scheduled dates, and advertised it through all our normal channels and with a poster...
Reach out for help
Traumatic events can make us feel powerless. One way to feel empowered is to help others. Even doing something small can help. Remember, doing good things for others feels good. Another way to help feel...
Emergency Blood Drives: June 11 and June 25
By Appointment Only The need for blood is constant. With thousands of blood drives cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic, we opened our Fellowship Hall to the Red Cross in April. Here’s a note from...
5th Saturday of the Month Food Pantry May 30
We are adding an extra pantry on the Fifth Saturday in May We are holding our pantry distribution outside with a drive-through hands-free model for everyone’s safety All volunteers will wear gloves...
Stay Socially Connected
Practice social distancing, but not social isolation. We have all quickly become familiar with the term social distance. Social distance helps limit the spread of the virus, but can also lead to feeling...
Running our Electric Meter Backwards
Our Bookkeeper, Stephanie Hare, reports that our last electricity bill had only the minimum, basic service charge of about $48. We generated all the electricity we needed using our solar panels, and in...