From the Mission Commission

Noon Time Meal is being catered by Nino’s Pizza on Rt. 202. He was the one Pat found in April who was willing to deliver to the Salvation Army. So far, both Nino’s and the Salvation Army are pleased with how things are going, so at least for July, August and September we will continue to use this service.

Jan Peek Meal has been so far very successful using a drop off method with no contact. We have all slots filled until November 28th, so if you are interested in helping beyond that, please call Pat 737-4674. Thank you to Liza Placido, Jessica Mayes and their families for providing the May dinner and to Amy, Vin-
ny and Lily Wallace for the June dinner.

Until we can open our building to small gatherings, our Knit Togethers and Prayer Shawl Teams continue to knit/crochet at home. If you need yarn or project guidance contact Norean (914-962-4370 — Knit Togethers) or Marianna (914-737-8294 — Prayer Shawl)

What does a faith-based approach to good mental health look like? The Mental Health Initiative (MHI) Team would like to find out. Like the parable of the Good Samaritan, we are called to help our neighbors when others may look away. Let’s take a look at how we can:

  • Educate – Build Awareness -Reduce Stigma
  • Build Community and Ministry
  • Show Intentional Hospitality
  • Provide Resources
  • Advocate for a Better System

While not a counseling service and certainly not making any diagnoses, we hope to empathize with those who may feel anxious or depressed, and help with everyday stress and strain – while also acknowledging that some people suffer from much more serious problems. Especially now! We are a subcommittee of mission members and deacons. Please contact either Pastor, or Jennifer Burns with questions, or if you would like to help out.

For those suffering or caring for someone with mental illness, the struggle is ongoing. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a valuable source of information.
