Your BJ’s Coupons Help Pantry Plus

For a long time we’ve been requesting your BJ’s coupons for baby diapers. Now with our Pantry Plus in operation, we are also requesting coupons for nutritional drinks (like Ensure), adult hygiene...

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Item of the Month for July: Canned Fruit

Canned fruit is a popular item at our Food Pantry, and part of the requirement that we provide a balanced selection of fruit, vegetables, grains, and proteins. As you know, we now have a Full Choice model...

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FPCY Expands Outreach to Seniors

  For over 30 years, our Food Pantry has supported local hungry neighbors, with generous support from community volunteers, businesses, civic groups, and the Feeding Westchester food bank. The...

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Pantry Plus!

Pantry Plus is up and running! Our Beyond Hunger / Pantry-plus initiative recognizes that necessary household expenses like hygiene products (for all ages, including diapers and incontinence supplies)...

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Item of the Month for June: Canned Corn

In June we are asking for canned corn. This is among our most popular items and often not available at our “grocery store” — Feeding Westchester. When the Deacons suggest an “item of the month,”...

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Our Food Pantry Garden is Growing

Here is our garden, roughly half our row, with lettuce and kale plants and some complimentary plants for repelling insects. For more information about this garden, how it will support our food pantry,...

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Can You Help Garden For Our Food Pantry?

We are letting you know about a local project raising food this Spring and Summer for food pantries. Some Yorktown and Peekskill houses of worship, including our own, are working a large FREE garden space...

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