Deacons’ Corner October 2017

The simple love of a child. The simple trust of a child. The simple desire of a child to seek the Source of Love – God. That my friends is also the deepest desire of our hearts – to seek and know...

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Deacon’s Corner – September 2017

The summer quickly draws to a close and we find ourselves back in our “normal” routines – kids are back in school, there are buses to catch, lunches to make, meetings and choir rehearsal to...

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Deacons’ Corner April 2017

We’re Here to Serve words & music by Sarah Moore (song from Vacation Bible School) How many needs are in this world? Find a Place where you can serve. Seems too much for any boy or girl Start...

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We Need You! A Message From the Deacons

“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened…” We have opportunities here in our church for you to follow in Jesus footsteps. Yes, for you to follow in...

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Deacons’ Corner December 2016

The songs we teach our children in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School never cease to amaze me. They are so simple and yet they contain the greatest truths. How can it be that we adults are capable...

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The Visitation Ministry

Do you know that the Deacons offer a visitation ministry? They have an active practice of visiting members of our church family who are ill or homebound (including people who are not members of the...

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The Ministry of Our Deacons October 2016

If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and he will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a beautiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him. ~James 1:5 I recently found an old...

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