Midnight Run Reflection

Thank you to all who contributed to the successful Midnight Run on March 10. The work started at noon when the Youth Group began assembling bag lunches. Over the next three hours we built stacks of hearty...

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The Deacons, April 2013

The winter has lasted longer than expected, and we are anxiously awaiting spring’s crocuses in this Easter season! We have been carrying the little brown box to church every Sunday, and reflecting on...

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Operations Report – April 2013

I am sure everyone is looking forward to Spring — by that I mean the weather — not the vernal equinox. Winter seems to be determined to hang on this year rather tenaciously. Despite this, we...

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Practice Makes Faith

What great time to join in the ministry here at FPC Yorktown! As your Parish Associate, I will be focusing my work with you in three main areas: worship, education and pastoral care. I will be participating...

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Deacons March 2013

The Deacons have returned from a very rewarding retreat at Holmes Presbyterian Conference Center, where Chip, assisted by Tami and including a workshop by Sarah Henkel, Cross-Cultural Coordinator at Hudson...

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Thinking in the Box

Our mantra for Lent this year is “Wear the box. Be the box. Think in the box.” (Don’t forget the hand motions!) It’s an easy summary (43 characters for a tweet) of what we are doing. As we make...

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