Bring Your “Special” Recyclables to our April 25 Outdoor Service

You may recall hearing about this initiative last March, just before “the world turned upside down.”

Our Middle School Youth Group began an initiative to offer us the opportunity to recycle the things you “can’t recycle” through your local municipality. Special “Terracycle” bins were bought for these items. While we’ve been unable to use them since the building has been closed, you will have the opportunity to bring these items to our special afternoon Earth Day service on April 25 at 3 pm. The items that you can bring are:

  • Candy and Snack Wrappers: Individual, multipack and family-size snack bags and wrappers, including chip, candy and granola wrappers. Make sure all excess food has been removed. Don’t include any food waste or cardboard cartons.
  • Beauty Product Packaging: Shampoo bottles and caps, conditioner bottles and caps, hair gel tubes and caps, hair spray bottles and triggers, hair paste plastic jars and caps, lip balm tubes, face soap dispensers and tubes, lotion bottles, tubes, dispensers, and jars, shaving foam tubes (no cans), lip gloss tubes, mascara tubes, eye liner pencils and cases, eye shadow, tubes, concealer tubes and sticks. Make sure all excess product has been removed. Don’t include any aerosol cans, perfume bottles, nail polish bottles, and nail polish remover bottles.
  • Alkaline batteries: Please place tape over the ends of the batteries to prevent any current transfer. Don’t include any rechargeable lithium ion batteries.

So please collect these items over the next few weeks, and bring them to our outdoor service!

Thank you from the Green Team!
