Mission Trips in 2015 – Information Meeting- February 8 at Noon

Mission Trips 2015 POST

Mission Trip Information –

We are called to serve the world in our discipleship – here are three great opportunities for Youth and Adults! Come and learn more!

For High School Youth
Heidi Haring is heading up a trip for high school kids to Pt. Pleasant, NJ with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) July 19-25, 2015 to continue assisting families in recovery from Hurricane Sandy. The cost of the trip will be approximately $200 per person. Maximum 20 students.

For Adults and High School Students (16+)
Stephanie Hare will lead an International Mission Trip to Dominican Republic for adults and high school students (16+) which will take place in August with Bridges to Community. The group will work with impoverished communities to build housing and possibly a youth center. The cost per person is approximately $2000, including airfare.

Middle School
Middle School students are invited to take part in a mission trip to the Stony Point Center Farm in Rockland County, September 13-15, 2015. While there, students will participate in harvesting and preserving crops; learn about organic farming and food justice; experience worship and devotions with members of the multi-faith community that lives on campus; and of course, make time for some fun – possibly kayaking or hiking.

The middle school program will cost approximately $150 per person. All youth who will be in grades 6-8 for the 2015-16 school year are welcome to join us. Put these dates in your calendar now!

For more information, please contact Margery Rossi, Youth Coordinator at youth@fpcyorktown.org.

Come on Sunday, February 8th  at 12 noon to learn more about each trip, scholarship possibilities and application procedures.
