Garden Of Hope Work Day Saturday 10-5

The next work day is this Saturday, June 4. There should be another shipment of plants to put in the ground in our few empty rows. Should be pretty easy work! There is always more to do around the garden – so if anyone wants, there will be a fencing team working, and there will be other small plants to put into other rows in the garden.  Working from 10-5, I will definitely be there for the early side.

The Garden of Hope ready for regular volunteers too.  We will need to start doing regular watering and weeding.  Go to our Sign Up Genius site to see the activities and dates available. This is also a great opportunity for youth to get service hours.

Any questions? Ready to volunteer? Please reach out to Dawna Dennis at 206-947-7173 or Please connect! We will add you to the list and get you the information you need to get started!

**The Yorktown Garden of Hope is a non-profit, community-driven organic garden that supplies fresh produce to local food pantries (including our own!), as well as offering organic gardening training. It is located at Willow Park, Yorktown, on the corner of Tulip and Curry streets. Note that there is a FPCY sign in front of “our rows” at the far end of the garden.

~Dawna Dennis

