Garden of Hope Launch Day

Calling all gardeners! The big launch event for the Garden of Hope is on Saturday, May 7th from 11am – 4pm at Willow Park (on the corner of Tulip and Curry). The Garden of Hope is a community garden that supplies fresh organic produce to our and other local food pantries.  FPCY has a plot that we tend and grow and there is always lots to be done in the entire garden!  Bring your gloves and gardening tools and come join us and our local community volunteers on May 7 to get things kicked off. There will be large piles of mulch and bark that will need to be moved into the planting areas.  There will also be a team assembling the fence.  Some planting will also take place this day as well as later in the month.

Please bring yourself and your energy! Other useful items are water and gloves, and any gardening tools you might use, including shovels, buckets, wheelbarrows.

Afterwards there will be a grilling station and food and drinks will be provided (and maybe an ice cream truck again).  You may want to bring a mid-afteroon snack for yourself. As Mother’s day is the next day, there will also be plant gifts to take home for Mom.

Please reach out to Dawna Dennis ( with questions and interest. We would like to get a team assembled – send Dawna your name, number and interest and she will add you to the team! This is a fun event – we hope many of you can join for some or all of the time – any amount of help is appreciated. If you can’t make this event, we can always use help, throughout the spring and summer, with watering, weeding and harvesting.

Hope to see you there!
