Vacation Bible School: Register Now!

Register Now!

Teen volunteer hours
Teen Orientation * TBA
Training: July 2, 3 * 9-12 noon
VBS – July 8-12 * 8:30-1pm
Closing Worship Service July 12 @ 7pm


Adult volunteer hours
Adult Leader Training: May 4 @ 9:00-11:30
VBS – July 8-12  8:30-12:15
Closing Worship Service: July 12 @ 7pm
Pastor devotionals (optional): 7/8-7/12 @ 12:15-12:45

All teens completing 6th grade are eligible to be a Teen Helper!
*Community Service Youth Opportunity
If you can’t attend the meeting but can help, please contact Sonja Letizia ASAP at or 914-424-1614
