October Item of the Month — Canned Fruit

World Hunger Day is October 16th.  The Town of Yorktown will be sponsoring a food drive for the week of October 10-17, and the Yorktown Food (In)Security Task Force will have a table at the Street Fair on October 10th to share information about hunger in Yorktown, available services and how individuals can help.  

As we look forward to colder weather and the holidays, we are gearing up for continuing the outdoor drive-by distribution model through the end of the year at least, depending on public health and building use guidance.  We are so grateful for our hardy volunteers, and for the support we receive from the congregation and the community.  We receive support from many community groups; the picture above is from the Sept 23 donation by the Knights of Columbus at St. Patrick’s (350 items!).  We don’t have all the holiday plans nailed down yet but will communicate them as soon as we can.

One way you can help us is with the “item of the month.” Every month we highlight a food item that it is hard for us to source affordably.  For many months that item has been canned fruit, and it continues to be our most urgent need. The local gardens (Garden of Hope, Hilltop Hanover, the Green Thumb program) have been great for supplying fresh vegetables all through the summer, but fruit is more difficult. Feeding Westchester’s supply lines still aren’t fully back to operation (did you know the lumber shortage affected the supply of shipping pallets, so some suppliers had products but couldn’t ship them?), and they have difficulty sourcing anything except dried fruit – imagine if the fruit in your kitchen was raisins or figs (and nothing else).  Low sugar canned fruit would be particularly welcome.
