Garden of Hope — Summer Volunteers Needed

Help is Needed!

We hope to have groups of 2 or more signed up to water the whole garden twice per week.

Watering the WHOLE garden is the priority for volunteers, since there aren’t other regular volunteers yet.  This is a big ask, as it takes a few hours with only one person.  Note that this is different than what we have asked for in previous years. Last year, one person watered the whole garden almost every morning—unfortunately we do not have this blessing this year.

Janet Morra is the garden coordinator and she is there every Saturday from 9:30-12, unless it is pouring rain. She has requested that people come to help on those days as tasks can be efficiently communicated. We will also be communicating specific tasks through our Realm group (see below). She will often be there on Thursdays after 4pm.

Sign-up to Water Here

Much communication about the Garden of Hope is done through our Realm group. If you want to be added to the GOH Realm team or if you have been on the list and can’t do it this year; please let Heidi Haring know: or Dawna Dennis;  Or you can ask to join the group on Realm.

Harvesting help: starting sometime in July we will need help with harvesting. It is usually done on Thursdays to be delivered to the pantries on Fridays, in order to be ready for Saturday’s Pantries. We could also use some help on pantry packing days (the Fridays before Food Pantry Saturdays), to bag up our harvest for our pantry clients. Please contact Heidi Haring; or Dawna Dennis;
