This Tuesday, March 5, we need you at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Our Confirmation Class will be staffing the kitchen and all other Middle and High School Youth are needed to be greeters and servers. Click...
A Reflection on the Confirmation Class Midnight Run
It was a blessed night. We handed out all our meals, toiletries, and most of the clothing! Many thanks to our congregation and friends for their generosity! Because of your help, we met the needs...
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 5
Our traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held in Fellowship Hall Tuesday, March 5, 2019, from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Our Confirmation Class will be staffing the kitchen and all other Youth...
Tuesday is Youth Group Ice Skating!
This Tuesday, February 19, join us at 11 am for ice skating at Bear Mountain State Park followed by pizza! All Middle and High School Youth are invited; no experience is necessary. Please...
Presbyterian Youth Triennium – Coming in July
Calling all current 8th – 12th graders: What are you doing next summer? How about the Presbyterian Youth Triennium July 16 – 20, 2019 at Purdue University in Indiana? Presbyterian Youth Triennium...
Please Help the Confirmation Class Midnight Run
How can we help! Think warm! Warm coats, hats, and gloves. Warm medium and large size long underwear (new underwear sizes-large sizes/any color) Warm hooded sweatshirts and warm...
Youth News February 2019
We’re talking about hope, love, and peace this year and having fun while we’re doing it. We’ve got Sunday Night Youth Groups on Feb 10 when we’ll do our part to help our friends...
Youth Ice Skating February 19
Tuesday, February 19 – All Youth Ice Skating – 11 am Watch for sign up and more info (Foul Weather date: Sunday, 2/24 – 1 pm)
Youth Groups Meet Sunday January 13
Happy 2019! Youth Groups are back this weekend! 6-8th graders meet on Sunday from 4:30-6 and 9-12th graders meet from 6-8 pm. All youth are invited to join in the fun whether they’ve...
No December 23rd Caroling– Next Meetings in January
Please note: Youth Christmas Caroling, previously scheduled for 12/23/18 has been canceled. We look forward to reaching out and bringing joy to the seniors of our congregation in another...