Youth Meetings Today October 28

Youth Groups meet today, Sunday, 10/28. Join us as we talk about Hope!   Middle School: 4:30 to 6pm &  High School: 6 to 8 pm   Find us in the Youth Lounge, aka Room 4. Enter...

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Youth Groups Meet on September 30th

  Sunday, September 30 Middle School: 4:30 to 6pm.  High School: 6 to 8 pm.    24-Hour Mission Trip Announcement All current 6th – 12th graders (and adventurous adults!):  Registration...

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FPCY Fall Schedule Starts September 16!

Sunday, September 16th: Sunday Worship — 8:30am & 10:45am Adult Education Class — 9:30am Confirmation Class — 9:30am Sunday School — 9:30am Middle School Youth Group — 4:30pm High School...

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Pray for Our Montreat Youth Conference Team

This week our prayers are with our Montreat Youth Conference team which departed yesterday. Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated to our Mission campaign! Contributions of any size will...

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Supporting Our College Students and YAVs

We are excited to share the news that 33 of our college members have received “We are thinking of you” care packages this April. Our notes to each person wished them good luck on their papers and finals!...

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May Midnight Run Report

  Our May Midnight Run was quite successful — all of the clothes, toiletry kits and food were given out! There was little to clean up other than the soup pot and rinse out coffee urns. We wish...

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