YAV Langley in Washington DC — September

Langley writes about her first month as a Young Adult Volunteer in Washington D.C. including a fast action video of her days. Read Langley’s post. On August 25 we commissioned Ailih Weeldreyer and Langley...

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Youth News for December

Hope everyone is having a great break from school and enjoying time with family, friends, and food this weekend!I am super excited that December and Advent both start this Sunday, how about you? We’ve...

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YAV Ailih: A Feeling of Fellowship

Ailih writes: When I learned about the YAV program and its core tenet of intentional Christian community, I knew that it was an opportunity I wanted to explore…. And community was ultimately what...

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Triennium Sunday October 20

Friends, this past July we sent fourteen youth and five adults from FPCY as members of the Hudson River Presbytery’s delegation to the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium. Together with thousands...

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Youth Meetings October 13

Tomorrow is Youth Group day! Sunday, October 13: Middle School group meets from 4:30- 6; High School from 6-8 pm. We’ll have fun and fellowship for all, so see you there! Special note: next...

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YAV Ailih: Finding Stillness

Ailih writes: One of the commitments that my fellow YAVs and I agreed to even before we arrived in D.C. was to remain in the city until Thanksgiving, limiting our time away from community …. All...

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Youth Groups Meet Tomorrow, September 15

Do you ever feel like summer goes by way too fast? I know I do.     I hope everyone has been having a good time in school so far, but just in case the new year has gotten you a little stressed...

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Back to our Full Program September 15!

Sunday, September 15th: Sunday Worship — 8:30am & 10:45am Adult Education Class — 9:30am Confirmation Class — 9:30am Sunday School — 9:30am Middle School Youth Group — 4:30-6:00pm High...

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