Chip’s Message April 2022

Walking with Jesus this year during Lent has reminded me of the benefits of walking itself. In a recent article about the Camino in Spain, I read about some of those benefits, which reminded me of our...

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Walking With Jesus

As Jesus was walking along, he saw someone named [insert your name here]; and Jesus said to you, “Follow me.” And you got up and followed him. ~ paraphrase of Matthew 9:9 Just imagine that the above...

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Pastor’s Message October 2021

Some of you know that I serve as a faculty member for the CREDO program, which is run by the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and offers clergy an opportunity to focus on the many aspects...

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Message from Chip — July 2021

I’ve been thinking about the pause button ( ⏸ ) over the last couple of months as my vacation and sabbatical time approach. It’s the button that neither completely stops the movie, song, or...

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Chip’s Message, April 2021

I want to begin by saying “Thank you!” to everyone who worked so creatively and diligently to provide such meaningful worship, study and mission opportunities through the season of Lent, culminating...

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Pastor’s Message March 2021

I am excited and grateful to see the many ways people are engaging in our pilgrimage theme, Wandering for the Love of God, this Lenten season. We have four Soul of a Pilgrim discussion groups going, with...

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Chip’s Message – October 2020

A month into our new program year and still needing to be online, I am very thankful for the commitment of many in our church to work with our children, youth, and adults. We have not waited for a return...

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Pastors’ Message September 2020

Take good care to observe the commandment and instruction that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to keep his commandments, and to hold fast...

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