The Bedford Prison Children’s Center is requesting donations of toys, etc. that will be Christmas gifts for the kids that visit their Moms. The idea is that kids can play with their Moms when they...
Our Mission
Hat and Mitten Tree
Donations accepted now for the Food Pantry on December 6 & 22. Tis the season for giving and keeping warm… Please give children’s and teen’s new hats, scarves and gloves for the...
Season of Giving
We celebrate Giving Sunday on December 7th Items for the Hat and Mitten Tree, Bedford Prison and Toys for Teens will be collected during the services on...
Christmas Alternative Giving Market – November 16 and 23
Back by popular demand, our annual Fair Trade and Heifer Christmas Market, which is sponsored by our Sunday School, for an International mission project. Mission Commission also supports this project....
Mission Opportunities
Midnight Run Mark your calendars! We will be going on a Midnight Run on Friday, September 19th. We’ve got a driver (thank you, Jack Shaughnessy!) and the beginnings of a team (Elders Robin Corpolongo,...
Mother’s Day Cards
The Mission Commission will offer Mother’s Day cards to support the PCUSA program Healthy Women, Healthy Families. The cards will be available on May 4. The recommended donation is $10. Healthy Women,...
Come and Be a Blessing. Come and Be Blessed.
I had the absolute privilege and joy of working at the Food Pantry on a Saturday in January. I have been coming to this church for over thirteen years, and this was my first time volunteering at the...
Mother’s Day Project
A joint program of PCUSA World Mission and Presbyterian Women, the Mother’s Day Project is a simple and meaning mission activity that Presbyterians have supported since 2001. This year the program is...
Midnight Run Reflection
Thank you to all who contributed to the successful Midnight Run on March 10. The work started at noon when the Youth Group began assembling bag lunches. Over the next three hours we built stacks of hearty...