On Sunday, March 13 after each service a special training and organizing meeting will be held for everyone interested in volunteering to be part of the new hospitality ministry. This group...
Our Mission
Commission “Carnival” on March 6
Have you ever marveled at how many upcoming activities and events are mentioned during announcements at worship or in the Disciple? Have you ever wondered how so many things “just happen”? Well,...
It’s Time for the Deacons’ Fund Offering
Remember Offering Envelopes? In February and August there are special offering envelopes intended for the Deacons’ fund. Some people still use the box of envelopes, but many people now give electronically,...
Dean’s Beans Coffee for Sale to Support our Mission Trips
Have you enjoyed the coffee served at Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall? We purchase all of our coffee from Dean’s Beans, and it is organic, fair-trade, shade-grown, bird-friendly (and Kosher to...
Help Support Mission Trips with your Deposit Cans and Bottles!
We have an easy way for you to help support our mission trip to Atlanta this summer– bring in your bottles and cans that have a deposit and let the Mission Trip Team collect your refund! There is...
It’s the Souper Bowl on February 7!
Yes we all know the Super Bowl is this Sunday (along with of course our Congregational Meeting and our All-vegetarian brunch!) But it is also the “Souper Bowl” when we collect canned goods...
Mission Trip Planning Meeting February 14
Join us on February 14 at 12:15 in the Library for another opportunity to learn about our upcoming summer mission trip! We are traveling to Atlanta, GA July 31 – Aug 5 with DOOR, a faith-based network...
What makes a great Midnight Run meal?
The confirmation class thanks all those who volunteered to make MIDNIGHT RUN MEALS Here are the items to put in the bags. Meals should be dropped off by 7pm, Fri. Jan 29th in the kitchen. Please write...
Deacons’ News: Transportation and Ministry
What does the Transportation Ministry do? We attempt to fulfill transportation needs for the members of First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown. These needs would be short term transportation of persons...
Atlanta Mission Trip Planning Meetings
The Mission Commission is excited to announce that we are working with DOOR, a faith-based organization that works in 6 cities across the US to connect volunteers with a wide variety of inner-city social...