The Peace & Global Witness Offering challenges us to look at the world not as a place where conflict is inevitable, but where Christ’s peace is possible. In places of abiding conflict, the Peace...
Our Mission
September 2016 Youth News
Wow! This has been an awesome summer! Thank you all who supported the FPCY team who attended the 2016 Youth Triennium – we had an awesome experience. We will tell everyone more about it...
We Commission Young Adult Volunteers on August 28
Join us on August 28 as we commission Young Adult Volunteers during our worship service. The Young Adult Volunteer program is a one year service opportunity for young adults from 19 to 30 years....
Amnesty International Letter-Writing Table August 21
Here’s a chance to “do justice and walk humbly with your God.” Come sign a letter, address an envelope and help stand up for those who are falsely accused, abused, etc. We write letters to advocate...
Deacons’ Corner Summer 2016 – Are You “Ready to Serve”?
Ready to Serve Ready to go where you will lead. Chorus: I’m ready, ready Lord. I’m ready to serve. I’m ready to serve. Ready to love as You love me. Walkin’ in faith and offering praise, I’m...
My Experience With the Food Justice Corps
Over the course of the past year I had the opportunity to intern with Hudson Valley Food Justice Corps. At first, admittedly, I was a bit apprehensive about what this would entail — the people...
Deacons’ Fund Offering in August
Remember Offering Envelopes? In February and August there are special offering envelopes intended for the Deacons’ fund. Some people still use the box of envelopes, but many people now give electronically,...
YAV Emily Reflects on Her Year
Last August we commissioned Emily Stevens and two other Young Adult Volunteers for a year of service. Emily spent her year living in Asheville, NC and working with Habitat for Humanity. Here she reflects...
Blood Drive August 13
Visit, Sponsor code: YorktownChurch Or call: 1 800 RED CROSS for Donor Guidelines and to schedule your appointment
Walmart $750 Grant for Food Pantry Diapers
Great News! The Mohegan Lake Walmart (Store Manager Mike Weldon) has selected our Diaper Ministry to receive a $750.00 grant. The Deacon Diaper Ministry is an initiative to help the youngest in our...