By Appointment Only The need for blood is constant. With thousands of blood drives cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic, we opened our Fellowship Hall to the Red Cross in April, June, and August of...
Our Mission
40 Cans for Lent: A Pilgrimage into the Wilderness of Food Insecurity
40 Cans for Lent invites us to donate 40 cans to the pantry over the 40 days of Lent and to do eight weekly practices that raise our awareness of the lives of those experiencing food insecurity. This pilgrimage...
Mental Health and Valentine’s Day
This weekend is Valentine’s Day, a feel-good day if you have a significant other and like chocolate. The focus on romantic relationships can be fun. (Many men, however, will admit that they feel pressure...
Emergency Blood Drive Tuesday February 23
By Appointment Only The need for blood is constant. With thousands of blood drives cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic, we opened our Fellowship Hall to the Red Cross in April, June, and August of...
Our Continued Focus on Mental Health for our Congregation and Community
artwork by Eric Kreuter The reality is one in four families in our community is dealing with mental health and life struggles circumstances. The FPCY Mental Health Team has been created to explore ways...
Prayer Shawl Scarves for School Children
This past Christmas, the prayer shawl group again made scarfs for the 4th grade class at PS 62 in the Bronx. Marianna Sherman writes: Yesterday I received thank you notes from each of the children and...
Please Consider Signing Petition for Non-profit Emergency Food Workers Vaccination
Please give strong consideration to signing this petition to let non-profit emergency food workers be included in Phase 1B of New York’s Covid vaccination plan. All you have to do is to click on...
COVID-19 Impacts Mental Health and Wellness
Source: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During COVID-19 Pandemic – United States, June 24-30, 2020 The statistics are staggering. This...
Deacons’ Fund Offering in February
Many of us no longer use offering envelopes, so we don’t get that little twice-a-year reminder about the Deacons’ Fund. In the midst of our blessings, however, the Deacons ask that you remember those...
Our Annual Collection of Canned Goods for the “Souper Bowl” is On!
Each year we celebrate Super Bowl Sunday with donations of canned goods. Even though we won’t be meeting in person, you are still invited to participate in this event! Drop off canned goods (soups,...