I spent a good portion of my vacation time this summer with “my nose in a book.” It’s where I often go for time to imagine, think, converse (in my mind), ponder, and learn from others’ lives...
What’s Happening
June, 2011
A friend recently sent me a video clip of Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner with the message, “What would happen if you got what you wanted?” After years of watching the coyote try all sorts of methods...
Doubt Sunday
Friends. Last Sunday, we asked our questions and shared our doubts during the worship. That experience shares our vulnerabilities and concerns, but also makes us more human as we name them in the community...
Chip’s Message — April 2011
Giving Up God for Lent has proved to be a very good and challenging theme for us this Lenten season. I have heard from many of you that this theme made you feel uncomfortable. I have heard that it is almost...
March 2011
A Message from Chip Lent is one of my favorite seasons in the church year because it is an intentional time of examination of our lives and our faith. We prepare ourselves to experience again the new life...
February, 2010 — Annual Report
“We are a living mission.” What a great way to start a new call! That’s how I feel as I reflect on 2010 and the beginning of our ministry together. I am so thankful it is with you, the congregation...
January, 2010
Thank you for the surprise ovation at the beginning of the January 2nd service, the celebration of my first anniversary with you all, the personal comments about our first year together, the paper products...