The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 am on Saturday, March 16. This year the men’s breakfast is every third Saturday of the month. Join Chip for food, fellowship, and Faith in Fellowship Hall. All...
What’s Happening
New Member Classes in March
We will be holding classes for new members beginning on Sunday, March 3, and continuing on each successive Sunday to March 31. On that Sunday, the new members will meet the Session and be received as...
Are You a Veteran?
For 2019, the Stewardship Commission would like to honor the veterans of our congregation on the Sunday (Nov 10) closest to Veterans Day by having a list of names and photos in the narthex or the gathering...
Seeking Vendors for Our Fall Arts and Crafts Fair
Are you or someone you know an artist who would like to be a vendor at our fall Arts and Crafts Fair? Applications are available now.
The Sound of Silence — A Meditation by Connie Knapp
Connie writes: During Advent my congregation explored silence, as this was the 100th anniversary of the Christmas Carol Silent Night. At the beginning of this year I visited an audiologist and learned...
The Lunch Bunch: Not Just For Seniors Anymore! February 20
If you are remembering the “Senior Lunch Bunch,” it’s not just for Seniors! All are welcome and invited! Lunch Bunch met in the Fellowship Hall in January and started the year off with...
Men’s Breakfast February 16
The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 am on Saturday, February 16. This year the men’s breakfast is every third Saturday of the month. Join Chip for food, fellowship, and Faith in Fellowship...
Consider Using Your Valentine’s Day Amazon Shopping to Help Support FPCY
Did you know that Amazon will give 0.5% of eligible purchases to the church if you set the church (“First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown”) as your designated charity in the Amazon Smile program? Just...