A Special Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown will be held on Sunday, December 8, 2019 in Fellowship Hall following the 10:45am Worship Service for...
What’s Happening
Advent Sunday Potluck
The Congregational Life Commission invites everyone to an Advent Lunch on Sunday, December 8, which will take place while we also have our Special Congregational Meeting to elect new deacons and elders. ...
Help Decorate the Church for Christmas!
All are welcome to become part of this holiday tradition as we decorate our Sanctuary for Advent and Christmas. Many hands make light work as we put up candles, greens, roping, wreaths, a Christmas...
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
NOTE: The time of the service has been changed to 6:00pm. On Sunday, November 24, we will celebrate with our friends of all different faith traditions at the annual Yorktown Interfaith Service of Thanks,...
Men’s Breakfast November 16
The monthly men’s breakfast will be at 7:30 am on November 16 (the third Saturday of the month). Join Chip for food, fellowship, and Faith in Fellowship Hall. All men are invited to attend!
Annual Fall Cleanup Saturday November 2
We’re having our Fall clean-up on Saturday, November 2nd from 8:30am to whenever we’re done (hopefully before noon!) We would love to have your participation. This year, we are using Genius Sign-up...
The Search for Martin Luther – Who is this Guy?
Tim Lupfer will share his experiences in Germany for the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing his ninety-five theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. Join us after the 10:45 service on Reformation...
Triennium Sunday October 20
Friends, this past July we sent fourteen youth and five adults from FPCY as members of the Hudson River Presbytery’s delegation to the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium. Together with thousands...
Our Craft Fair is Fully Booked!
Mark your calendars for our Arts and Crafts Fair on November 23. We are now fully booked! See the list of this year’s vendors. Proceeds will support our mission trips.
Operations News Fall 2019
Save the Date for our Annual Fall Clean-Up: Saturday November 2. Online sign-up will be made available. In addition to the various Capital Improvement Projects happening around our property, Operations...