Important note: December: Food Distribution 1st & 3rd Saturdays (December 5 & 19) from 9am-11am (No food on December 12) Child and Adolescent Coat and other winter gear distribution on December...
Food Pantry Plus
Food Pantry Requests for Thanksgiving
We know that many of you have enjoyed bringing in purchased (or those free supermarket) turkeys to distribute to our Food Pantry clients in the past. For several reasons, we can not accommodate that this...
News from our Pantry
Liam McAuliffe gives an update about how our Pantry Plus operation is helping with food, school supplies, diapers, and elder supplies.
Pantry Plus – How We are Helping Those in Need
The FPCY Pantry continues in its drive-through delivery model twice per month. We continue to serve 400 families and over 1600 people per month, about 2X our pre-pandemic volume. We continue to deliver...
Hart Library “Porch Concert” to Benefit FPCY Food Pantry
A Porch Concert to benefit our pantry is happening Sunday September 6 at 4pm at the John C. Hart Library in Shrub Oak. Come and find a circle to sit in and hear The Independence, a multi-generational...
The Food Pantry Needs Cereal
Yes, the Food Pantry is still operating, helping our hungry neighbors, now with a drive-through no-contact model. We buy food in bulk from Feeding Westchester, but breakfast cereal is one of the more...
Next Food Pantry is September 12
The next FPCY Food Pantry will be on September 12 (the second Saturday of the month). Important Update, because of concerns about COVID-19 We are holding our pantry distribution outside with a drive-through...
An Update on our School Supplies Ministry This Year
Normally we begin our school supplies drive in July. Given the uncertainty that still exists as to what the 2020-2021 school year will look like across the county, preparations for our annual school supplies...
Student Donates Award Money to FPCY Food Pantry
Katharine Frase writes: “We are very grateful for the support we receive from the community.” A Yorktown High School senior, Kunal Mohindra, who founded his own nonprofit and won a Prudential...
Reusable Bags at Mahopac ACME to Benefit our Food Pantry
Every $3.00 GIVE BACK WHERE IT COUNTS reusable bag sold at the Mahopac Route 6 ACME in August will generate a $1 donation for the FPCY Food Pantry Plus! Consider adding to your collection, or starting...