Capital Campaign News March 2021

The campaign team, together with other committees and commissions, continues to be busy with renovations and maintenance projects, taking advantage of the flexibility provided by the empty building. The most exciting new change is the in-progress upgrade to lighting in the Sanctuary. Recessed lights above the balcony, lights in the stairwells, and better illumination of the chancel area will give us better lighting for the congregation as well as for streaming services, while being respectful of our cherished historic Sanctuary.

Upgrades to our heating and cooling systems began last week. Yet to come: kitchen renovations, and accessible doors to the Gathering Space.

As ever, we are so grateful for the support of the congregation and the faithful fulfillment of pledges, to enable us to do this work. If you haven’t yet made a commitment, please prayerfully consider participating in this campaign for the present (and future) of our Ministries of Faith.

Pledges can be made via If you have made a pledge, but haven’t yet made a gift, or if you wish to make a one-time gift, you can do so at your convenience.
