Summer Camp at Holmes

Camp isn’t just a place for children and youth –­ it’s for families, of all kinds, as well! Looking for a fabulous, faith-­based, affordable family vacation? Look no further! Holmes...

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News from the Knitting Groups

The Prayer Shawl Group will meet next on May 18 at 10:30am. Anyone who would like to join us in knitting is most welcome. In addition to the regular knitters who come on Wednesdays, we have at least...

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Church School News May 2016

Greetings to all from Church School! Spark: On May 1st we began our final rotation unit “Jonah and the Big Fish” from Jonah 1­4.  Jonah runs away from God, and a fish swallows him. Pre­K...

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May and June 2016 Adult Education

  Please plan to join us on Wednesday, May 18 on a trip to the Jacob Burns Film Center to see the film Journey of the Universe. The film was made by two scholars at Yale University, Mary Evelyn Tucker...

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