The Pantry Needs Your Help!

Thank you so much for the 150 cans of soup that came in for the Souper Bowl of Caring !

We have three areas where we need your help—

  1. Advocacy. HPNAP (Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program) is a federal program funded at the state level that supplies funding and other support to Food Banks like Feeding Westchester. Our pantry benefits through Feeding Westchester with low cost foods, lines of credit, and support for appliances and staffing through the HPNAP program. Our pantry client volumes rose through 2022 as the effects of inflation affected all our clients, particularly those on fixed incomes. There is a proposal in Albany to cut HPNAP funding by 40% — please help us by signing a petition to retain HPNAP at its current level, and by sending it to any friends and family with an interest in food justice.
  2. More Volunteers. We are planning on returning to an indoor shopping model for the Pantry for the first time since March 2020. The shopping model is more respectful for our clients as they can choose the foods their families need and like rather than receiving a pre-packed bag of food. BUT — this shopping model requires more volunteers to operate. Please consider whether you can help us for 3 hours on two Saturday mornings a month. If we can generate a large enough volunteer register, it will afford more flexibility in how often any one person needs to come. Please let Liam McAuliffe or Debbie Bernardini know of your interest.
    We are very grateful for Item of the Month food donations to fill gaps in our ability to offer balanced food choices to our clients. You can drop off items any time in the labeled bins near the red double doors at the back of the church building. You can also easily give electronically, and use the “Food Pantry Plus” line, or you can write “Food Pantry” on the memo line of your check and mail it to the church office or place it in the offering plate.

Liam McAuliffe and Debbie Bernardini, Pantry co-leaders
