What’s Up with the Kitchen?

The final major project of the Capital Campaign is the renovation of our church kitchen. This project was originally scheduled for the summer/fall of 2021 but was delayed by materials shortages and a non-performing contractor for the first piece of the work. We are now back on track, with all components ordered and scheduled for delivery, and a general contractor set to do the full job. We hope that demolition of the existing kitchen will begin in early December, and that the project will be complete in time for the annual meeting in early February.

The new kitchen will include a safer and more energy efficient cooktop, double ovens, a warming drawer, a higher capacity refrigerator and freezer, and sanitizing dishwasher that is both fast and high capacity. The kitchen will have improved accessibility features and a better “flow”. New cabinets and new flooring will complete the renovation, giving us a more professional, but still warm and welcoming, center for our food-based fellowship and ministries.

Thank you for your support and patience throughout the Campaign. All other major projects are complete. The projects have stretched over three years so sometimes it’s hard to remember where we started – if you enjoyed the air conditioning this summer, have bragged about our solar panels, like the smooth paving and lighting on the big parking lot, or have had meeting or classes in the new Board room, the Youth room, the restored room 2, the new larger room 7 (which was used for younger children gathering space), or have enjoyed coming in the office entrance and not having to open the heavy doors across the hallways – all of these (and more) have been your campaign in action.
