Garden of Hope Closing Ceremony

This video is the virtual 2020 closing ceremony for the Garden of Hope, which features the Rev. Paul Tesshin Silverman (GoH Cheerleader), Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, and our own Tami Seidel and Steph Hare. Produce from the Garden of Hope was distributed at our Food Pantry as well as other pantries in the area.

We’d like to recognize Heidi Haring and Nance Thompson, who were the primary FPCY coordinators, and served as regular garden volunteers along with Nancy and Nate Caswell.  We’re grateful for the additional volunteers, who included Steph Hare, Jeff Kephart, Frank Hodgkinson, Karl Thompson, Teri Froelich, Sue Caruso, Susan Solomon, Karen Mack and Luke Torres. Dawna Dennis and her scout troop were helpful with some of our harvests and often gave us their veggies to augment our donation.
