Pantry Plus!

Pantry Plus is up and running!

Our Beyond Hunger / Pantry-plus initiative recognizes that necessary household expenses like hygiene products (for all ages, including diapers and incontinence supplies) and school supplies reduce the funds available for nutrition. Your ongoing financial support of Pantry-Plus enables all of these ministries. We are also grateful for Item of the Month food donations to fill gaps in our ability to offer balanced food choices to our clients, and for diaper, elder care and school supply donations or coupons.

We have begun the distribution / offering of elder care products (Ensure protein drinks and several kinds of incontinence products) to our Pantry clients, as well as to our Beaver Ridge delivery clients. We have begun providing food and elder care supplies to the Wynwood Oaks facility in Shrub Oak as well, enabled by partnership with the Senior Nutrition Center in Yorktown and a grant from the Field Hall Foundation.

We continue to enjoy terrific support from the community, in volunteers and donations. The Postal Carriers drive on May 11 yielded 6 (six!) SUV’s full of food donations for our Pantry, and many community members have donated elder care and school age supplies for our use. Our diaper ministry continues to make a real difference to families with young children. And on June 8th we were able to distribute the first produce from the Mission Commission’s Garden of Hope initiative.
