Help Support Organic Produce Coming to Our Food Pantry

Looking for a way to Eat Green this summer, and support local farming (and also our own Food Pantry)?

Hilltop Hanover Farm and Environmental Center, right here in Yorktown (preserving the land of a former 163 acre dairy farm) is a regional education center that offers programs on healthy and sustainable food production. This involves researching and teaching skills for small-scale suburban and urban farming techniques (including farming in a protected watershed), and illustrating sustainable living practices such as alternative energy sources for the residents of Westchester County.  

Hilltop Hanover is committed to donating 10% of their produce each summer to local food pantries, but in 2016 despite the drought they donated 25% of their produce, over 13,000 pounds, to local pantries, including our own FPCY pantry.

Hilltop Hanover is also a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, and offers a market-style CSA Farm Share program each summer.  Sign up for a share (designed for the weekly vegetable needs of a family of four) and them come shop at the farm stand to choose your organic produce on a weekly basis. What a great easy way to increase the Green in your summer, and support local farmers who in turn support our Pantry work.  You can learn more at 

If you would like to financially demonstrate your appreciation of what Hilltop Hanover does for the community, our church is collecting donations to its “Farm to Pantry” effort. Just mark your check “Farm to Pantry” or donate online here choosing “Other Giving” with a memo notation of “Farm to Pantry”.
