Youth Meetings Tonight

It’s been really great connecting with everyone who’s been able to join us so far for our online Youth gatherings! While it’s not nearly as awesome as seeing you all in person, it’s been super great to get to see your faces, hear you laugh, and find out how things are going with everyone while we are cooped up in our homes during this time of being physically apart from one another.

So join us this evening for our online Youth Gatherings!
Middle School Youth – 5 pm
High School Youth – 7 pm

Ask Steph for the connection info, or check your email!

Everyone who logs into the meeting will briefly be held in the virtual “waiting room” until I let you in. So please make sure your name on your device clearly identifies you or your family if you’re using a family device – something like: Steph Hare, or Hare Family – so I know it’s you (if you want to change your name to something like “The Most Awesome 9th Grader EVER” after the meeting starts, that’s totally fine).

