Youth Meetings in April

Youth group APRIL 2015 POST

APRIL 12 & 26  –  4:30 – 6 pm

Why should we, as Christians, care for and about the earth?

What does the Bible tell us about stewardship of the earth? (Is there really a section on climate change?)

How are we at FPCY doing at taking care of earth’s resources?

Join us this month as we explore our responsibility to steward earth’s resources and help our congregation to become faithfully green – indoors and out.

The earth’s future is our future. Bring a friend who cares.

April 26 – 6:30 PM

Confirmands will meet at 4:30 and eat dinner with our congregation’s ruling elders to discuss membership in the church and their statements of faith.

At 6:30, all other high schoolers, join in the celebration as we “witness” to our own faith, reflect on our faith experiences during and since confirmation, and …
eat some cake.

For more information go to the Youth group website –

or contact Margery Rossi at