Youth Groups Meet Tomorrow, September 15

Do you ever feel like summer goes by way too fast? I know I do.  
I hope everyone has been having a good time in school so far, but just in case the new year has gotten you a little stressed out or given you the jitters, I know one great answer to the back to school blues: come to Youth Group! 
And if you’ve been having a rocking great time at school and have totally amazing teachers this year, you know what goes well with a good start to a new year? Add Youth Group to all that awesomeness.
Middle Schoolers! Your meeting is from 4:30 – 6 pm 
High Schoolers! Your meeting is from 6 – 8 pm (and we’ll be making dinner, of course. It’s how we roll)
We meet in the Youth Room 
(aka, room 4)
We’ll be making some plans and sending out more info about upcoming Youth events shortly, but for now, come meet up and make some new connections, see old friends, bring your awesomest self (awesomest, that’s a word, right? Well it is now) to you group tomorrow evening.
~Steph Hare, Director of Youth Ministry