We offer Sunday School to preschool children through teenage youth on Sunday mornings during the programmatic year (mid-September through mid-June).
- We will have a class for our youngest students called Sparkle (4 year olds and kindergartners). They meet in the Child Care room off of the Gathering Space.
- Students in grades 1 through 4 are learning all about God’s big love in Shine. They meet in Room 3. (Parents should drop off and pick up their children at Room 3)
- 5th & 6th graders are connecting to the lessons in the scriptures in Connect. They meet in Room 4.
- 7th & 8th graders are exploring the journey of God’s people in FaithX. They meet in Room 9.
- 9th-12th graders are exploring topics that are chosen by our class members and they are some very deep topics. This group is called Fathom. They meet in Room 14.
Sunday school for all young people begins at 9:15am on Sundays.
Learn about our Youth Education and Confirmation program.
See the latest news from our Sunday school leaders.
Youth Ministry
In addition to our Sunday School program, middle- and High-school youth are invited to our youth group.