Church School News – January, 2016


After practicing our Christmas Carols in December, the children put on their costumes and sang them at our wonderful Christmas Eve Family service! The children did a fabulous job! The children joyfully told the Christmas Story and we welcomed the arrival of our Savior! Advent has come to an end and Jesus is born!

Re:form: The 7th & 8th grade will be finishing up their Advent study, that it is a season of preparation and watchful hope for the coming of Jesus Christ. They explored the example of Paul, Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Mary. They will then return to their Old Testament study learning about Ruth, David, and Solomon.

In Connect, the 5th/6th graders have been learning about Jesus’ Ministry. Topics include Baptism, the 12 Disciples, the Parables, Healings, and Teachings. In January, they will focus on our Savior, which will include his death and resurrection.

Our Spark classroom (Pre-K — 4th Grade) has completed the “Jesus is Born” unit. The children learned about Advent, they sang songs to welcome baby Jesus, and they celebrated his long-awaited arrival on Christmas Eve.

We will begin our “A Storm” unit, from Matthew 8:23-27. Conversation sparks include:

  • What do you experience with your five senses during a storm?
  • What does it feel like to be afraid?Describe how feeling afraid is like being in a storm.
  • Why did Jesus tell the disciples they had little faith? What does faith have to do with fear?
  • Take turns telling a short story about your family as a group of disciples who become frightened by an experience that is resolved by Jesus.

Family activity:
During the next warm rainstorm, run out into the yard together and let the raindrops pour down on you. Go ahead and sing, dance, spin. Find some safe puddles to jump in. God is with us in all weather.

Welcome back to church school and best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!We have a wonderful Year ahead, filled with learning, music, art, science and cooking!


Liza Placido and Michele Mosca, Church School Superintendents
