Growing in Gratitude–Pastors’ Message November 2019

This fall we have been growing in gratitude together as a congregation. Along the way we have learned:

Grateful people are inspired and inspiring.

Our gracious God and our vibrant church inspire people to deeper levels of faith and faithfulness. Some sing and play music that lifts our hearts and spirits to God. Some grow in faith and engage the complex issues of our day through multiple Bible studies and discussion groups. Some paint pictures, sew banners, and fuse glass to beautify our space. Some write spiritual reflections that help us all learn to live life with an attitude of gratitude. Some seek sustainable ways to use God’s resources and take care of our facility (check out those solar panels!). Some go on mission trips to rebuild homes, communities and relationships.

Our church is also inspiring new ministry. With a new full-time director, we are growing our music ministry. We are launching new mission initiatives related to mental health, gun violence prevention, hunger, and the Garden of Hope. We are developing a new website to welcome more people to our church and share our church with them. Every day you inspire us, and we are so grateful!

Grateful people are gifted and giving.

Our generous God has blessed us with so many gifts, both as individuals and a congregation, gifts that we are called to put to work for God’s mission in the world. Some share their time and talents, serving as Sunday school teachers and youth group leaders, making meals and feeding the hungry, crocheting prayer shawls and knitting hats and mittens, pulling weeds and planting flowers, visiting the sick and listening to the lonely, maintaining and remodeling our facility to welcome many from the community who are in need of healing and hope. Some share their treasure, giving generously to the budget so that we can both keep the lights on and reach out into our community and world with the light of Christ. Your commitment of time, talent and treasure has made all this happen, and we are so grateful!

Grateful people are generous.

All that we have said above and so much more are clear signs of the generous spirit at work in our lives and our life together. Our generosity is what enables our church to share the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ with people near and far. Seeking to be as generous with others as God has been toward us is what makes us faithful to God and a community that makes a difference in people’s lives.

To continue our faithful and vital ministry, we are asking everyone to increase your financial giving in 2020. We want to continue to support our staff with a salary that affirms their work and helps them live well. We want to continue building a new music ministry and a sustainable youth ministry. We want to send people on mission trips and welcome the community into our church. AND we want to do all this in a financially sustainable way that lives the faithful generosity of us all.

In the coming weeks, we hope that you will take some time to prayerfully discern how your giving reflects a new level of trust in God’s provision and a faithful expression of your commitment to impacting people’s lives with God’s love. On Sunday, November 24, we will dedicate our gifts and pledges for 2020 in worship as we commit ourselves to living lives of faith and gratitude to God. We invite you to join us in grateful and generous giving to our shared ministry and mission of God’s work in the community and world.

Gratefully, Tami and Chip
