Yarn Donations Please!

We received a generous donation of gloves from Joann Fabrics via our knitters’ relationship with Project Linus, for whom they knit and crochet many blankets every year. The knitters would love to create hats to go along with the gloves for distribution on December 12. But they are very short on yarn!

Do you have some yarn stored away in your home that you could donate? Or could you pick up some yarn at the store when you are out? All and any are appreciated. You can drop them off in the labeled coat collection bins in front of the Gathering Space or under the Food Pantry collection table at the back of the church. Alternatively, if Lisa is in the office (typically Tuesdays and Fridays), you could drop them off in the church office.

If you would like to knit hats for this project, or help in any other way, please call Marianna at 914-737-8294 and she will give you the details.

Thank you so much!

