This Isn’t A Game For Me — YAV Erin in Asheville

Erin writes:

I’ve put off writing this post for a month. I wanted to be able to say with certainty, “This year is not a game for me. It is _______.” However, I can’t find those words. I don’t know how to express what this experience is, what it means for me now and in the future, or the many painful and wonderful ways it has already changed me. I can’t name it, and that drives me nuts.

Read Erin’s entire post.

On Sunday, August 26, 2018, we commissioned Rachel Carpenter, Brooke Cobb, and Erin Tolar, who dedicate a year of their lives to learn what God is doing through them and in them. We hope to follow their journey through their online blogs.

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To read the blogs of our YAVs, click their links below:
