Racial Healing Zoom Study Beginning February 24

The Racial Justice Team of the Hudson River Presbytery is offering a 5 week zoom training on Racial Healing starting Thursday, Feb 24 at 7 PM.

We chose to work with the Brownicity curriculum because it is being used in other Presbyteries with rave reviews. Because of a generous grant from our Presbytery your registration fees are waived and the only cost to you is $10 to purchase the “What Lies Between Us Journal and Guideavailable through Amazon. To register email kathydean64@gmail.com.

We have 15 openings remaining. Training dates: Feb 24, March 3, 10, 17 & 24 from 7-8:30 pm. For this round of training we are fortunate to have the founder of, Dr. Lucretia Berry as our facilitator.
