Prayer Shawl Scarves for School Children

This past Christmas, the prayer shawl group again made scarfs for the 4th grade class at PS 62 in the Bronx.  Marianna Sherman writes:

Yesterday I received thank you notes from each of the children and a picture of each of them wearing their shawls.  Each note was sweeter than the next.  We gave 16 shawls in all.

One of the thank you notes read: “This warm scarf reminds me of being in bed when I’m at home watching TV with my Mom.  It is so generous of you.  I will always wear this scarf.” From another student: “Thank you for the scarf.  You are the best people.”  And from their teacher Suzy Pontillo who said in part: “The scarves were so incredibly loved by my students.  What a blessing that after such a challenging  year, young people were shown that kindness is what counts.”

These words matter to the Prayer Shawl group and it is what keeps our fingers motivated to keep on stitching.
