The reality is one in four families in our community is dealing with mental health and life struggles circumstances.
The FPCY Mental Health Team has been created to explore ways our congregation and community can respond to those families in need. Here are a few of the questions we feel called to address:
- What does it mean to be a community of faith that deeply cares for the growth of the self and the emergence of a healthy-minded faith?
- What does it mean to support one another when someone is going through an emotional crisis?
- How do we organize ourselves to be in ministry in a way that encourages mental health and well-being?
- How do we reach those struggling with mental health challenges? Can we seek to understand those challenges in ways that offer a foundation of support for healing and well-being.
A mental health survey has been developed to begin the discussion and start the process of answering these questions. Hudson River Presbytery and local Faith congregations have been invited to join FPCY in this survey.
The survey will be sent to FPCY congregation members, visitors and friends and those congregations interested in participating on February 15th.
Please give prayerful consideration to participating in, and answering the survey as way of continuing to share each other’s cares and concerns.