Pantry News

We hope that the Journey into Food Insecurity messages during Lent educated and inspired the congregation on this topic so near to our hearts. If you missed any of them, you can find them on our website— We are so grateful for the congregation’s support through 40 Cans for Lent, which brought us over 1500 usable items.

When we add the donations from Knights of Columbus, Temple Beth Am, and food drives by high school students, we received nearly 4000 usable items during Lent!

We receive frequent questions about when we might move back to our Client Choice model rather than the drive-by pre-packed model we’ve been running for the past year. There are three main factors that we need to consider:

  1. the building must be truly reopened with protocols consistent with having clients in the building;
  2. client volume must decrease in order for us to serve everyone in a reasonable amount of time, as the choice model is slower than a bagged model; and
  3. we must have the ability to select the food items on our shelves to match client preferences, rather than our current “whatever is on the pallet” mode of obtaining supplies.

At this point we do not foresee moving back to choice until Fall 2021 at the earliest for those reasons. Please reach out to Liam McAuliffe if you have concerns or questions about the Pantry.

Stop&Shop Community Bag Program – The FPCY Food Pantry has been selected by local Stop & Shop store leadership as the benefiting non-profit in the Community Bag Program! For the month of April 2021, our pantry will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable Community Bag at the Stop & Shop store located at 1831 East Main Street, Peekskill NY (in the Beach Shopping Center). UPDATE: We’re up to $35 mid month!
