Our November 12 Breakfast Run

Big thanks to all who contributed to and participated in sorting, packing and going on our November Breakfast Run! We served breakfast to approximately 45 people on Saturday, November 12th. In addition to food, we distributed sweatshirts, socks, underwear, scarves, period products, and toiletries.

Along with our own volunteers from FPCY, we were grateful to be able to share the experience with volunteers from our larger community, including with a staff member from Fox Lane High School. Students from Fox Lane supported the Run by collecting socks and providing donuts and muffins as a part of our breakfast offerings. The students hope to be able to plan their own Breakfast or Midnight Run with the knowledge they gained from supporting ours.

Speaking of plans, we plan to do and Midnight Run in the early Spring, so watch for more information on how you can participate in the Run as a donor and or volunteer “Runner.”

~Steph Hare, Director of Youth and Intergenerational Ministries, First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown
