One Great Hour of Sharing – A Short History

One Great Hour of Sharing is an offering made to the church, all throughout Lent, in order to help give assistance to communities around the world suffering from various hardships. Since the end of WWII, churches have joined together with hopes of bringing stability to others and a sense of unity within the Christian community. In 1950, One Great Hour of Sharing was first used with a goal to show Christ’s love in communities who may feel as though there is no hope. Today, the principle of One Great Hour of Sharing has remained the same: to collect gifts and share those gifts with those who need love and support in their lives. One Great Hour of Sharing helps give assistance to over 100 countries while raising over $20 million annually. The contributions given to One Great Hour of Sharing are given back to less fortunate people and communities in order to ensure all are able to live in a safe and healthy environment.

You can contribute to One Great Hour of Sharing using the special offering envelope, or simply by marking your contribution as “One Great Hour of Sharing.” You can also contribute online.

~Josie Buckout
